Knee pain is a common complaint from people of all ages. It may present as a slow gradual onset in an older adult with arthritis where the cartilage has been worn away over the years or as an acute onset of pain that is seen with gout, infections or abrupt twisting/bending force seen in sports injuries.
Common concerning signs may be crunching, locking or buckling of the knee. With the weekend warrior athlete an acute injury may also present with a swelling, redness or inability to bend or straighten the knee. The exam is critical and should be performed by an individual well trained in muscular skeletal injuries. Imaging studies may also be helpful in identifying a meniscus or ligament tear.
Physical therapy or other non-surgical modalities may provide improvement or resolution of the injury in many cases. Dr. Shaffer has affiliated himself with several well-trained professionals in establishing an organized approach to the treatment of muscular skeletal injuries. He has worked with local and professional teams over the years and provides exceptional care to his patients. In some of the more severe cases only surgical options may prove to be effective.